A Used Purse Is Front Page News?
As I was waiting to meet with my students this morning, I was leafing through The Boston Globe. Imagine my surprise when Wheaton College was mentioned on the front page - because a girl there has a REAL Louis Vuitton purse. And not only that, but she is renting it. "Last month I had a Chanel," she brags.
Oh. My. God.
For all the amazing things Wheaton and its students have done, we are on the front page of one of the most widely circulated papers in the nation for THIS? Because some freshman chick thinks it's important to carry around a bag with a big price tag to feel special?
I almost spit out my tea across the classroom. I would expect something like this at Dartmouth (although here, everyone is rich enough to actually OWN the bag), but my sweet old Wheaton? And it's not like this was even on the "Style" front page, or "Living Arts." No, no, no. It was on the freaking FRONT PAGE, right next to important things like the thousands of people who died in the Pakistani earthquake and the fact that our next Supreme Court judge might help the conservative conspiracy illegalize abortion! Obviously, this is important journalism. What next?
I don't know who to be more disappointed with, The Boston Globe or Wheaton.

I am also insulted.
As sad as that is. From an outsider's perspective Wheaton is seen as a campus of girls toting designer handbags waiting around for husbands. My boyfriend thinks Wheaton is preppy and snobby. I am still proud of my school though and saw past some things. I wish I could go back :(
Yep. . . I'm pretty disapointed. . . at least Dimple Diving could have been more respectable.
But the front page!!!
I think that a mass of editorial notes should swarm the administration and make an issue out of this in the next Wheaton Quarterly. Imagine having been in Chase or Emerson when The Globe hit their stands this morning... ewwwwww
NEWS ha ha ha and i used to respect the globe...
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